Volunteers & Genealogy Appendices
The First Southwest


The following names appear in Volunteers & Genealogy appendices included in Volume 3


Abbets, Maj David - Abbot, Samuel - Abbott, George - Abel, Anthony - Adams, John - Ainsworth, Richard C - Akin, Lt Harrison - Albert - Alcorn (Allcorn), Col John - Alexander, Capt William - Alexander, Cpl Edwin - Alexander, James W - Alexander, Mary Brandon "Polly" - Alfa, Cpl John - Alha, Benjamin L - Allcorn, Zuritha - Allen, Cpl William - Allen, Daniel - Allen, George W - Allen, H P - Allen, James - Allen, John - Allen, Joshua - Allen, Levy - Allen, Sgt Samuel H - Alley, William - Alstadt, Nicholas - Alvire, Shadrick - Ammon, Cpl William B - Ammons, Henry - Anderson, Cpl Mahew - Anderson, Elizabeth - Anderson, George - Anderson, James - Anderson, Martha - Anderson, Pleasant - Anderson, Robert - Anderson, Samuel - Anderson, Solomon - Anderson, William - Andrews, Henry - Andrews, Sgt William - Anthony, Lt William - Armand, Ann - Armstrong, Royal - Armstrong, Surgeon James L - Armstrong, William - Arnold, John - Arnold, QM Sgt William - Ashlock, Benjamin - Ashlock, Philip - Ashwood Hall - Askew, Allen - Askew, Isaac - Atkins, Joseph - Atwood, Elizabeth - Austin, John - Avent, Hubbard - Avent, John - Avery, Allen - Bachelor, John - Badger, George Edmond - Badger, Katherine Mallon - Badger, Sally Polk - Bain, Nicholas - Baitman, Isaac - Baker, Elizabeth W - Baker, James D - Baker, Lt John E - Baker, William - Baldridge, Stephen W - Baley, Cpl John - Ball, Isaac - Bandy, Robert - Bandy, Solomon - Bankhead, James - Barber, Thadeus - Barbour, Sgt Thadeus - Barfield, James - Barker, George - Barkley, Lucretia - Barksdale, Frances "Fannie" - Barlow, Sgt Lawson - Barnell, James - Barnes, Cpl Turner - Barnes, Daniel T - Barnes, Henry - Barnet, Moses - Barr, B B M L - Barr, Eli - Barr, Sgt Thomas - Barrows, Edmund - Barry, Katherine D - Barry, Sgt Collum - Bartlet, John L - Bartlett, Elisha - Bartlett, Isaac - Barton, David - Barton, Jesse - Barton, Joseph - Barton, Sgt Gabarel - Barton, Stephen - Barton, William - Baskerville, Capt John - Bass, John W - Bate, Umphrey - Bates, Drury - Bates, James - Batey, Robert - Battle of Florida - Battle of Horseshoe Bend - Battle of New Orleans - Battle of Pensacola - Battle of Talladega - Baxter, Lt Adj James - Bean, Jesse - Beard, David - Beard, John - Beard, Robert - Beard, Samuel - Beard, Sgt Thomas C - Beard, William - Bearden, John - Beards, William - Beasley, Johnston - Beaver, James - Beaver, Laurence - Beavers, Abraham - Beavers, James - Bedford county, VA - Bedford, Clement R - Bedford, Robert - Bedford, Stephen - Bedford, Thomas - Beeler, Joseph - Bell, Alfred - Bell, Buchanan - Bell, John - Bell, Phillips - Bell, Pleasant V - Bellamu, Jesse - Ben - Benge, Lt William B - Bennett, Capt Robert - Bennett, Maria - Bennett, Thomas - Bennett, William - Bentley, Betsey - Bentral, Cpl Enos - Berk, John - Bernard, William L - Betts, John - Bibb, David - Bigham, Samuel - Binkley, Frederick - Bird, Ens William - Bird, John - Black, Jacob - Black, John "Jack" - Black, Lt George - Blackamon, Olley - Blackamore, Fielding - Blackamore, George D - Blackamore, Sgt Reubin - Blackamore, Thomas T - Blackemon, Sgt Olly - Blackemore, Reubin - Blackman, Olly - Blackmon, Thomas T. - Blackmore, Capt William M - Blackmore, Ernest - Blagg, Kelton - Blair, Cpl Ralph - Blair, Joseph - Blakemore, Albert G - Blakemore, Anne - Blakemore, Coena - Blakemore, Edward - Blakemore, Elizabeth "Betsy" - Blakemore, Fielding N - Blakemore, George W - Blakemore, James A - Blakemore, John D - Blakemore, Lee Cage - Blakemore, Matilda - Blakemore, Reuben - Blakemore, Thomas Tourblen - Blakemore, Wesley - Blakemore, William - Blassenger, William - Bledsoe, Col Abraham - Bledsoe, Col Anthony - Bledsoe, Henry - Bledsoe, Isaac - Blythe, Elizabeth - Boaz, James - Bob - Bodine - Bohonon, James - Bohonon, John - Boles, John - Bolivar - Bomar, Williamson - Bonhanan, David - Boon, James - Boon, William - Boone, Mary - Boran, Falton - Bowling, Alex - Bowman, Lt William - Boyaken, Joel - Boyaken, Lemuel - Boyd, Capt Richard - Boyd, William - Boyers, Robert - Boyle, Nicholas - Boyle, Richard - Brack, Durham - Bradford, David - Bradford, Priestly - Bradford, Samuel - Bradley, Abraham - Bradley, Capt Thomas - Bradley, Cnt Hugh - Bradley, Col Edward - Bradley, James - Bradley, Jesse - Bradley, John - Bradley, William - Bradshaw, David - Brady, William - Brandon, William - Brassel, Gneavs - Braton, Joseph - Bray, Cpl Solomon - Breen, Abijah - Bressie, Sgt Meirell - Brevard, Sarah "Sally" - Brevard, Thomas - Briant, Grey - Briant, Sterling - Bridges, Brickley - Bridgwater, Elias - Brigance, Charles - Brigance, Charles N - Brigance, George - Brigance, Stuart - Briggance, Charles - Briggance, James - Briggance,Stewart - Briggins, Charles M - Bright, Elijah - Bright, James - Brinkley, Peter - Brinkley, Thomas - British agents - British Army and Navy - British troops - Brooks, Elias R - Brooks, George - Brookshare, Thomas - Brookshire, Thomas - Brown, Armistead - Brown, Azekiah - Brown, Benjamin - Brown, Ezekiel - Brown, Hardy - Brown, J - Brown, James - Brown, John Jr - Brown, Miles - Brown, Richard - Brown, Robert - Brown, Samuel - Brown, Samuel Sr - Brown, Sanders - Brown, Thomas L - Brown, William - Brown, William Jr - Brown, William Sr - Bruce, James - Bruce, Zacriah - Bruner, Jacob - Bryant, John - Bryson, Peter - Bullard, Jesse - Bullus, Sarah C - Bunch, William - Bunday, Sgt Henry - Bundy, Nathan - Bundy, Thomas - Burnato, James T - Burnes, James - Burns, Elias - Burns, William - Burris, James - Burrow, John - Burton, Elizabeth - Busby, Elisha - Busby, James - Bush, Benjamin - Bush. Oliver - Butler, Elizabeth - Butler, Henry - Butler, James - Butler, Robert - Butler, William Edward - Butt, Hazel - Byrd, Lt Richard - Byrn, Capt John W - Byrn, William P - Byrne, Capt John - Byrns, James - Caffery, Capt John - Caffery, Donelson - Caffery, Jane - Caffery, Jefferson - Caffery, Mary - Caffery, Nancy - Cage, Adalizia - Cage, Betsy - Cage, Cpl Albert - Cage, Edward Douglass - Cage, Elizabeth Douglass - Cage, Harry - Cage, James W - Cage, Jesse - Cage, John C - Cage, Lofton - Cage, Lt Henry - Cage, Maj William - Cage, Patsy - Cage, Priscilla - Cage, Reuben - Cage, Richard - Cage, Robert - Cage, Sally - Cage, William Jr - Cage, Wilson - Cahoon, Andrew - Caine, George - Caldwell, William - Calhoun - Calvary Company - Calvary Reg of Tenn Volunteers - Camargo - Camborough, James - Camp Gaines - Campbell, Colin - Campbell, John - Campbell, Samuel - Campbell, William - Cannon, Col Newton - Cannon, Elizabeth Carson - Cannon, Stephen - Cantrell, Cpl William - Cantrell, Frances A - Cantrell, William L - Caplinger, George - Carmargo - Carnahan, John - Carothers, Eleanor - Carothers, Jean - Carothers, William - Carr, James - Carr, John "Jack" - Carr, King - Carr, Richard L - Carr, William - Carroll, Maj Gen William - Carroll, Willis Green - Carruth, Alexander Craighead Jr - Carruthers, Ezekiel - Carruthers, Thomas - Carson, Cpl Willis - Carson, James - Carter, John - Cartwright, Thomas - Caruthers, Ezekiel - Caruthers, William - Carver, Isaac - Cash, Johnny and June Carter Cash - Casky, John - Cason, James - Casper, E - Cassady - Castleman, John - Castleman, Joseph - Cates, Ephraim - Cates, Joseph - Cathey, George - Cathey, Martha - Cato, Robert - Cavender, Stephen - Ceiltis, Robert W. - Cela, Cpl John - Cerly, John - Cerro Gordo - Chaffin, Edward H - Chandler, Bailey - Chapman, William - Charette, Marquis Athanase - Cheek, Robert - Cherry, Bairy - Cherry, Cpl John - Cherry, Lt Ezekiel - Cherry, Wilson - Chester, Robert - Childress, Powhattan - Childress, Sarah - Chism, Cpl Alexander - Chism, John - Cimbrough, M D - City of Mexico - Clark, Benjamin - Clark, Mark - Clark, Martha - Clarke, Andrew - Clay, Spencer - Clayton, Michael - Clemmons, John - Clendening, Lt Anthony - Clendenning, Thomas - Cleveland Hall - Clifton, William - Cloar, John - Cloud, William - Coal, Hyram - Coal, Joseph - Cobler, John - Cocke, John - Coffee, Brig Gen John - Coffman, Thomas - Cogbill, Charles - Cohoen, Cpl Samuel - Coile, Michael - Coldwell, James - Cole, David - Colleum, Bartlett - Collier, Catherine - Collier, Dr Clinton C - Collins, Joseph - Coltharp, William - Columbia, TN - Company of Volunteer Cavalry - Compton, Lt John - Conger, Adam - Cook Green - Cook, Jacob C - Cook, Jese - Cook, Thomas - Cook, William - Cooksey, Vincent - Coon, James - Cooper, George W - Corbet, Allen - Corder, William - Corley, Matilda - Cothran, Watson - Cotton, Allen - Cotton, Cpl Alexander - Cotton, Lt Nicholas - Cotton, Lt Noah - Cotton, Sgt John - Council, William - Counsel, William - Covington, William - Cowger, Adam - Cox, Francis B - Cox, Gale - Crabb, Jane - Crabtree, Cpl John - Crabtree, William - Craig, Hiram - Craig, Maj James - Crain, Caleb - Crain, Elizabeth "Betsy" - Crain, John Archibald - Crain, Lewis - Crain, Susannah - Crain, William - Crawford, Cpl William - Crawford, Edward - Crawford, Jackson - Crawford, Sgt James - Crawford, Vyvyard - Creek Indians - Creek Nation - Creek territory - Creek War - Crittenden, Elizabeth Lindsay - Crittenden, George Hubbard - Crittenden, Mary Ella - Crittenden, Nannie Warren - Crittenden, Sallie Augusta - Crittenden, Thomas Parham - Crocker, Stephen - Croft, Daniel Berry - Cross, Arthur - Crowder, Thomas - Cruize, Cpl William - Crumley, Jacob Sr - Crunk, Adam - Crunk, Cpl Ira - Culifer, Isaac - Cummings, Lt Uriah - Cunningham, Isaac - Curby, John - Curl, Jarret - Curry, William - Curtis,William - Cypert, Laurence - Dalton, Booker, H - Daniel, James - Daniel, Jesse - Daniel, John - Daniel, Thomas - Daniel, William - Dasset, John - Davenport, Francis - Davenport, Joseph - Davenport, Thomas - Davidson, Ruth - Davis, John - Davis, Zachariah - Davison, William - Dawson, Thomas - Day, Frances - Deal, Reuben - Dean, Cpl Luke - Dean, Greenberry - Dean, Lot - Dean, Willis - Demoss, James - Demoss, Lt Abraham - Derrow, John B - Devault, John - Devereaux, Frances Ann - Dewitt, Cpl Arch - Dial, Joseph - Dickason, Lt John H. - Dickerson, Benjamin - Dickerson, Charity - Dickerson, Olive - Dickerson, William - Dickinson, Ralph - Dickson, John - Dicky, Mathew - Died Battle of Horseshoe Bend - Dill, Joel - Dillard, John B - Dillard, Mary "Polly" Wesley - Ditto's Landing - Dixon, John - Dixon, Robert - Doak, Thankful - Dobbins, Alexander - Dobson - Dockery, Able - Dodd, David D - Dodd, Elizabeth - Dodd, James A - Dodd, Jane S - Dodd, John - Dodd, Lucinda - Dodd, Marcus B - Dodd, Mary R - Dodd, Narcissa B - Dodd, William M - Donaho, Thomas - Donaway, Samuel - Donehoo, Walter - Donelson, Alexander - Donelson, Alexander "Sandy" - Donelson, Andrew - Donelson, Andrew Jackson - Donelson, Andrew Jackson, Jr - Donelson, Capt John - Donelson, Catherine Davis - Donelson, Chesed - Donelson, Daniel Smith - Donelson, Elizabeth - Donelson, Emily Tennessee - Donelson, Jane - Donelson, John II - Donelson, John III - Donelson, John IV - Donelson, John Samuel - Donelson, Lemuel - Donelson, Levin - Donelson, Lucinda Rucker - Donelson, Mary - Donelson, Rachel - Donelson, Samuel - Donelson, Severn - Donelson, Stockley - Donelson, Tabitha - Donelson, Thomas Jefferson - Donelson, William - Donelson's Station - Donent, Abner - Donoho, Aich - Donoho, Cpl William - Donoho, James - Dooley, James - Dooley, Lt Thomas - Dorset, Willie - Dosset, Willis - Douglas, George - Douglass, Alfred Hire - Douglass, Alfred M - Douglass, Asa Blakemore - Douglass, Bennett - Douglass, Burchet - Douglass, Celia - Douglass, Cnt Edward - Douglass, Delia - Douglass, Edward - Douglass, Edward Lucas - Douglass, Edward, Jr - Douglass, Eliza G - Douglass, Elizabeth - Douglass, Elmore - Douglass, Elmore, Jr - Douglass, Emma - Douglass, Ennis - Douglass, Evalina Aurille - Douglass, Ezekiel - Douglass, George - Douglass, Harry Clinton - Douglass, Henry "Harry" Lightfoot - Douglass, Isaac Collier - Douglass, James - Douglass, James Sewell - Douglass, Jesse - Douglass, John - Douglass, Louisa Frances - Douglass, Lt Alfred - Douglass, Malissa - Douglass, Martha "Patsy" - Douglass, Matilda Golden Douglass - Douglass, Nancy - Douglass, Norval - Douglass, Patsy - Douglass, Peggy - Douglass, Polly - Douglass, Reuben - Douglass, Robert George - Douglass, Robert Gibson - Douglass, Sarah "Sally" - Douglass, Sophia - Douglass, Temperance Gibson "Tempy" - Douglass, Thomas Claiborne - Douglass, William - Douglass, William Cage - Douglass, William Richard - Douglass, Wylie J - Douglass, Young Norval - Douglass-Clarke home - Dowell, Benjamin - Dowell, John R. - Drigggers, Sarah - Duff, Hiram - Duff, Ingram - Duff, Thomas - Dugar, Thomas - Dugger, Dred - Dugger, Igreat - Dugger, Jarod - Dugger, Thomas - Dugger, Weseley - Dugger, Wesley - Dugger, Westley - Duke, Cpl Joel - Dunahoo, John - Dunam, William - Duncan, Sgt Allen - Dunnegan, John - Dupre, James - Duty, Benjamin - Duty, George - Duty, Mathew - Duty, Solomon - Duvall, Alex - Duvalt, Cpl David - Dwyer, John S - Dyer, Lt Col Robert H - Dyer, Sgt Maj James - Dyer, William H - Earl, Ralph - Earnest, Peter - Earnst, Cpl Peter - Earp, Collin - Easley, Willington - Easly, John - Eason, Cpl John - Eason, James - Eastin, Mary A - Eastin, William - Eastwood, Daniel - Eatis, William - Eavry, William - Edison, Samuel - Edmons, William - Edmonson, James - Edmonston, James - Edmonston, Zebulon - Edson, James D. - Edwards, Elizabeth "Betsy" - Edwards, Isaac - Edwards, Jonas - Edwards, Louise Ann - Edwards, Sallie - Edwards, Sgt Berry - Edwards, Sgt John - Edwards, Thomas - Eidson, James D - Eidson, Samuel - Elijah - Ellcob, James - Ellett, Isaac - Elliott, Capt George - Elliott, Cpl Julius C - Elliott, Elizabeth Wynne - Elliott, Lt Isaac - Ellis, Abraham - Ellis, Everland - Ellis, James - Ellis, Rachel - Ellison, Joseph - Ellison, Sgt Benjamin - Elliss, Everet - Elliss, Joseph - Emberson, John - England - Enochs, John - Enochs, Thompson - Enotochopco - Epperson, John - Erwin, Alfred - Erwin, Elam - Erwin, James - Erwin, Richard - Erwin, William L - Esdes, Edumond - Etherage, Mathew - Etheridge, Jared - Ethrige, Gerard - Evans, Lt Robert - Everett, Elizabeth - Evetts, Cpl George - Evits, Joseph G - Ewing, James - Fagan, Cpl Robert - Fall, Robert - Farmer, Samuel - Farr, Alonzo - Farr, Cpl Walter - Farr, Samuel - Fauquier, Emma - Fayetteville, AL - Fearn, Robert - Featherson, Sgt Edward - Featherstone, Samuel - Feeland, Thomas W - Felps,Henry - Ferguson, Nancy - Ferguson, Samuel - Ferguson, William - Ferrell, Cherry - Ferris, Drury - Fields, David - Fields, William - Fillingim, Jonathan - Fillingim, Samuel - Findley, Thomas - Finley, Martin - Finley, Robert - Finley, Thomas - First Reg Vol. Mounted Gunmen - First Regiment Tenn, Volunteers - Fitzhugh, Ellen Matilda - Fleming, Cpl Beverley - Fletcher, William - Flowers, Lt William F - Fluty, Ransom - Ford, Alexander - Ford, Thomas - Fore, G P - Foreman, John P - Forister, Alexander - Forrester, Isaac - Forrester, Reuben - Forrester, Stephen - Fort Claiborne - Fort Deposit - Fort Jackson - Fort Mims, AL - Fort Montgomery - Fort Pierce - Fort Strother - Fort Williams - Foster, George - Foster, John - Fowler, Thomas - Fox, Tilatha - Foyviel, Lewis - Frank, Sgt. Jacob - Franklin, Tennessee - Franklin, William - Franks, Cpl Elisha - Franks, Cpl Samuel - Frazer, James K - Frazier, Moses B - Freeman, Kinchen - Freeman, Moses - Freeman, Parker - Freeman, Richard - French Lick (Nashville) - French, John - Fry, Freeman - Fuller, Clayton - Fuller, John - Fuller, William - Fulton, Eliza - Fulton, Rebecca - Fulton, Rev William Sanders Clark - Furgeson, Douglas - Gable, Barnaby - Gabriel, Sgt Isaac - Gaines, Sgt Fountain H - Galion, William - Gallatin City Cemetery - Gambell, William - Ganaway, Lt Walker - Gardner, Robert - Garland, Jesse - Garrett, John - Gary, Archibald - Gass, Christopher - Gates, James - Gay, Simon - George, Sarah Elizabeth - Gibbon, William - Gibbs, Capt Nicholas - Gibson, B - Gibson, James - Gibson, Jonas - Gibson, Maj John H - Gibson, Mary "May" - Gibson, Samuel - Gilchrist, Grizelda - Gilchrist, Martha Jones - Gilchrist, Thomas - Gillam, Nathaniel - Gillam, William - Gillespie, Jacob - Gillespie, James - Gillespie, Naomi - Gillespie, Polly - Gilliland, James - Gingos, John - Givens, Lt John - Glasco, Robert - Glennan, Arthur - Glover, William - Goad, Isham - Goble, William - Goheen, James - Goldon, Enoch - Goodall, John F. - Goodman, John - Goodon, Cpl Frederick - Goodrum, John - Gossett, William - Gotings, Askel - Goupsen, Thomas - Gourley, Hugh - Gourley, Stephen - Gowan, James - Goyna, Sgt Ames - Grabb, Sgt Thomas - Grace, James - Graham, Jesse - Graham, Lewis - Graham, Peggy - Graves, Noah - Graves, Samuel - Graves, William - Gray, John - Gray, Sgt James - Greden, Solimon Jr - Green, Col Lewis - Green, Dicy - Green, Nancy - Green, Needham - Green, William - Greer, Equilla - Greer, Isaac - Gregory, Bozel - Griffin, John - Griggory, George - Griggory, Toply - Griggs, Berry - Grimes, David - Grimm, Lucinda "Lucy" - Grisham, James - Grisham, John - Grooms, Richard - Gross, George - Grubb, William - Grubbs, William - Grves, Jacob - Guess, Elijah - Gunn, Sgt Richard - Gutry, David - Gwin, Ezekiel - Gwin, James - Gwin, John - Gwin, Sgt Samuel - Gwinn, Cnt William - Haddin, Robert - Haggan, William - Haigh, William H - Hail (Hale), Thomas - Hail, Cpl George - Hail, Cpl Nicholas - Hailey, William - Haily, Thomas - Haines, Moody P - Haines, Robert - Hale, Masach - Hale, Mishick - Hale, Nathan G - Hale, Nicholas - Hale, William T - Halferman, Alex - Hall, "Kate" H - Hall, Alexander - Hall, Brig Gen William - Hall, Cnt James - Hall, Cpl Samuel - Hall, Elizabeth - Hall, George - Hall, James - Hall, John - Hall, John Alcorn - Hall, John M - Hall, Martha Ann - Hall, Mary Brandon "Polly" Alexander - Hall, Mary C - Hall, Pharoah - Hall, Prudence - Hall, Richard A - Hall, Robert P - Hall, Sarah - Hall, Thankfull - Hall, William - Hall, William H - Hall, William Jr - Hamblen, Thomas - Hambleton, James K - Hambleton, Moses - Hambleton, Thomas - Hamilton Place - Hamilton, Adams C - Hamilton, George - Hamilton, Sgt James - Hamilton, William - Hammock, John - Hammons, Col Leroy - Hammons, Cpl Hiram - Hancock, Sgt Clement - Hane, Samuel - Haney, Sgt William - Hanna, Patsy - Hannah, Doak - Hardeman, Thomas Jones - Harden, Asa - Harden, William P - Hardin, Asa - Hardin, Jesse - Hardin, Sgt David M - Harding, John - Hardorsler, Samuel - Hargroves, Ens John - Harmen, Edward - Harney, James - Harp, Solomon - Harper, Edward - Harper, Robert - Harper, William - Harpole, George - Harrell, Cpl Raba - Harris, Adlai O - Harris, Alexander - Harris, Cnt Joel D - Harris, Cpl John - Harris, David P - Harris, Edward - Harris, Elizabeth - Harris, George - Harris, Jesse - Harris, Sgt Eli - Harris, Sgt William - Harris, Thomas E - Harris, Yourey P - Harrison, Guddeth - Hart, Ens John - Hart, Henry - Hart, Robert S - Hart, Samuel - Hartested, William - Hartgrove, Heekiah - Harvey, Holcomb - Harvey, Lt Allen - Haskill, Joshua - Haston, Jeans - Hatchett, Briscoe - Hatton, Capt William S - Hatton's company - Hawkins, James - Hawkins, Lucy Davis - Hawkins, Philemon - Hawkins, Sarah P - Hawks, Cpl Nathan - Hayes, John B - Haynes, John B. - Haynes, Sgt Peter - Haynie, Capt Elijah - Hays, Col Robert - Hays, Elizabeth - Hays, Martha - Hays, Mary - Hays, Narcissi - Hays, Ophelia Polk - Hays, Rachel - Hays, Samuel J - Hays, Stockley - Hays, William - Hellums, George - Helton, James - Henderson, Charles - Henderson, Daniel - Henderson, Nathaniel - Henderson, Thomas - Henry, Joseph - Henry, Sgt Moses - Henry, Vincent - Hensey, Cpl David - Henson, Josiah - Henson, Tilman - Henson, William - Herindon, William - Herod, Cpl Alexander - Heslep, Thomas - Hesson, Andrew - Hickerson, Isaac B - Hickerson, John - Hickerson, Richard - Hickerson, Samuel - Higgins, Colonel - Higgins, David - Hight, John - Hight, Robert - Hilbren, Thomas - Hill, Cage - Hill, James - Hill, John - Hill, Joseph - Hill, Lt James - Hill, Richard - Hill, Spencer - Hill, Thomas - Hill, William - Hilliard, Sally L - Hobbs, Thomas Jr - Hobbs, Thomas Sr - Hockings, John P - Hodge, Robert - Hodge, Samuel - Hodges, Harris - Hodges, James - Hogan, James H - Hogue, Sgt Andrew - Holcomb, John - Holloman, Malchi - Holloway, Cpl Nathan - Holloway, Edmond - Holmes, Abijah - Holmes, Thomas - Holmes, William - Holt, Boyd - Holt, Robert - Holt, William - Holt, William Jr - Homes, Joseph - Hooker, Joshua - Hooker, Saby - Hooker, W - Hooks, Isaac - Hooper, Churchwell - Hooper, Jeptha - Hope, Cpl Adam - Hopkins, Cpl Neel - Hopkins, Thomas - Hopper, Robert - Horn, Richard - Horseshoe Bend - Horton, Caleb - House, Joseph - House, Samuel - House, Thomas - House, William - Houston, Eliza Allen - Houston, Peter - Houston, Sam - How, Sgt Joseph - Howard, Allen - Howard, Elizabeth - Howard, Green B - Howard, J B - Hubbard, Lt Green K - Hubbard, Lt Vincent - Hubbard, Sgt David - Hubbard, Thomas - Hudgons, Cpl William - Hudnell, Cnt William H - Huey, Richard - Huffman, Cpl William - Huffman, John - Hughes, Reuben - Hughson, Corp James - Hull, Archibald - Hundley, Willis - Hunt, Cpl Thomas - Hunt, David - Hunt, Ephraim - Hunt, John R - Hunt, Manna A "Rina" - Hunter, Elihu Whitfield - Hunter, John - Hunter, Samuel - Hunter, Sgt Lewis - Huntsville, AL - Hutchings, Christopher - Hutchings, Col Thomas - Hutchings, Elizabeth - Hutchings, Jennie - Hutchings, John - Hutchings, Lemuel - Hutchings, Mary - Hutchings, Rachel - Hutchings, Stockley - Hutchinson, Reuben - Hutson, Cpl Mathew - Hutson, Cpl Westley - Hutson, James - Hutson, Sgt John - Hutton, Samuel - Hyman, Joseph - Ingleside - Ingram, John - Ingram, Obediah - Inman, Isaac - Inman, John - Irby, Henderson - Irby, John - Irby, Joseph - Irvin, Abigail - Irwin, David - Ivy, George - Jackson, Henry - Jackson, James - Jackson, Josiah - Jackson, Lt Isham - Jackson, Militia Gen. Andrew - Jackson, Rachel - Jackson, Sarah Moore - Jackson's army - Jackson's troops - Jalappa - James, Bennet - James, C - James, Robert D - Jarrett, Elizabeth B - Jarvice, Rich - Jenkins, Phillip - Jenkins, W L - Jetton, Capt Robert - John Douglass Wayside - Johnson, Andrew - Johnson, Archibald - Johnson, Charlotte - Johnson, Cpl James - Johnson, Cynthia Lancaster - Johnson, Ens Richard - Johnson, Francis - Johnson, Gen Thomas - Johnson, Lewis - Johnson, Mathew - Johnson, Rebecca - Johnson, Richard C. - Johnson, Samuel - Johnson, William - Johnston, John A - Johnston, Samuel - Johnston, William - Johnstone, Winslow P - Joiner, John - Jones, David - Jones, Ens Zachariah - Jones, Jesse - Jones, John - Jones, Joshua D - Jones, Leonard - Jones, Leroy - Jones, Martin - Jones, Octavia Rowena - Jones, Robert - Jones, Spicer - Jones, Thomas - Jones, William - Jones, Willie - Jonson, Simon - Josa, John - Josey, Allen - Joslyn, William J - Kalhoun, John - Kasengor, Jacob - Kasengor, Solomon - Kathcart, Joseph - Kean, Edmund - Kee, Strother - Keen, John - Keesee, George - Keeth, William - Kellum, Miss - Kelly, Joseph - Kelly, William - Kempson, Archibald - Kendrick, Campian - Kennedy, Captain - Kennedy, Robert - Kennedy, Suky - Kensall, Benjamin - Kerby, John - Kerr, Lt Wilson - Kerr, Samuel - Key, Macklin - Key, Ruffin - Kidd, James - Kidwell, Levi - Kilbe, Thomas - Kilbreath, John - Kill, Rueben - Killibrew, Mrs. D (nee Green) - Kilough, John - King, Abraham - King, Albert - King, Lt Edward - King, Moses - King, William D - Kinsal, John - Kinsal,Benjamin - Kirby, John G - Kirk, Henry - Kirk, John - Kirkpatrick, Joseph - Kirkpatrick, Sgt Amos - Kizer, Michael - Kizer, Peter - Knight, Cpl Thomas - Knight, John - Knight, Jonathan - Knox, James - Knox, Jane - Kolubca, Cpl Andres - Lace, Sgt Levi - Lacey, Alexander - Lacey, Andrew - Lackey, James - Lancaster, David - Land, Sgt Abraham - Lane, Bennet - Lane, Sgt John - Lane, Sgt Lewis - Lane, William - Latham, Richard - Latimer, Hugh - Latimore, John - Latimore, Nicholas - Latimore,Jonathan C - Laton, Joshua - Lattimore, John C. - Lattimore, Nicholas - Lauderdale, Capt William - Lauderdale, D - Lauderdale, Lt Col James - Lauderdale, Lt Jonah - Lauderdale, Samuel W - Laurence, Samuel - Lawrence, John - Lawrence, Levi - Lawrence, Phila Ann - Lawrence, Robert - Lawrence, Samuel - Lawrence, Surgeon William P - Leach, Eliza - Leach, Eugenia - Leach, Linsey - Leavy, Jacob - Leddy, James T - Lee, Curry - Leech, James - Leeper, John - Legatt, James - Lemons, Aser - Lenier, Lt Buchanan - Leonard, Sophia Neely - Lewis, Andrew - Lewis, Lt. Elijah - Lewis, Sgt. Thomas - Ligon, Henry - Liles, David - Lilley, William - Lindsay, Abraham - Lindsay, Ann - Lindsay, Cynthis Peeder - Lindsay, Elizabeth - Lindsay, Ezekiel - Lindsay, Hannah - Lindsay, Isaac Jr - Lindsay, Jemima - Lindsay, Lewis - Lindsay, Lowry - Lindsay, Margaret "Peggy" - Lindsay, Mary - Lindsay, Mary "Polly" - Lindsay, Mary Elizabeth Dale Warren - Lindsay, Nancy - Lindsay, Polly - Lindsay, Prudence - Lindsay, Rev Isaac - Lindsay, Rhoda - Lindsay, Ruth - Lindsay, Sally - Lindsay, Susannah - Lindsay, Thomas Hubbard Saunders - Lindsay, Thomas Jr - Lindsay, William - Lindsey, Margaret Wilson - Linville, Cpl William - Lock, Joel - Lock, Joseph - Locke, Capt William - Loetsinger, George - Loflin, Thomas - Lofton, Thomas - Lollard, Sgt Thomas - Lomax, William - Lomita - Long, Charles - Long, John - Long, Mary Rebecca A - Long, Nancy - Long, Sarah - Loony, Sgt Isaac - Lord, Henry - Lorett, David - Louis, John A - Loury, Col Alexander - Love, Peggy - Love, William - Low, Jesse - Loyd, Joseph H - Lucas, Isaac - Lucas, Lt George A - Lucas, Lt Robert W - Lunsford, Samuel - Luny, Isaac - Lyncum, Andrew - Maberry, Benjamin - Maberry, John - Maberry, Theodore - Macon county, TN - Maddox, John - Madwell, Charles - Magill, William - Mallard, James - Mallery, Sgt Thomas - Malory, William - Mandrell, John - Manley, Jesse - Manly, Bennett - Mansker, Casper - Manuell, William - Marchall, Richard - Marcum, Ens Gasper - Marcum, George - Mardell, John - Margady, Russel - Marker, Edward - Marker, James - Markham, Abnew - Markham, James - Markham, Jasper - Markham, Nathaniel - Markrum, James - Marlin, Rich - Marlin, Thomas - Marlow, Stephen - Marrell, William - Marshall, Joseph - Marshall, Robert - Martial, Elie - Martial, Hardy - Martial, Jesse - Martin, Capt William - Martin, David - Martin, Elizabeth Glasgow - Martin, Frances - Martin, George Washington - Martin, Hannah - Martin, James - Martin, James Glasgow - Martin, Lt John - Martin, Lt Samuel N - Martin, Peter Hynds - Martin, Rich - Martin, Thomas - Mason, Samuel - Masoner, Peter - Massey, Sims - Matamoras - Mathas, Ezekiel - Maxey, Bennett - Maxwell, David - May, Corp John - May, William - Mayberry, William - Maybry, Benjamin - Mayfield, Elias - Mayo, Jacob - Mays, Cpl C H - Mays, James - Mays, Moad - McAdams, Sgt William R - McAddin, Thomas - McCaleb, John - McCall, Willie - McCay, James - McChord, David - McClard, Allison - McClish, James - McClung, David - McClung, Francis - McClung, Lasley - McClung, Montgomery - McClung, William - McClure, Henry - McConka, Cpl Samuel - McConnell, Alfred - McCormack, George - McCormack, George Jr - McCormick, Andrew - McCoy, David - McCoy, James - McCree, Moses - McCrory, Alexander - McCrory, Colonel - McCrory, John - McCullock, David - McDaniel, Allen - McDaniel, Cpl William - McDaniel, John - McDaniel, Joseph - McDaniel, Susan W - McDonald, Joseph - McDonald, Stephen - McDowell, Jane - McElroy, Alex - McElyrd, John - McFarland, Alexander - McFarland, Jane R - McFerrin, William - McGee, Martha "Patsy" - McGehee, Montford - McGloughlin, Joseph - McGrady, James - McGuire, Cornelius - McGuire, Sgt George - McKeen, Capt Alexander - McKenney, John - McKenney, Willie - McKensie, James - McKimsey, James - McKinney, Samuel - McKinny, Sgt Thomas - McKinsay, John - McKinsey, Turner - McKnight, Sgt Robert - McLemore, John C - McMahon, David - McMillan - McMillan, Paul - McMillan, Sgt Malcolm - McMillen, John - McMillon, John - McMurray, Capt James - McMurry, John - McNail, Sgt Edward H - McNeal, Thomas - McNeely, Isaac - McNeely, James - McNight, Sgt David - McPeake, Cpl Henry - McQuary, John - McRea, Morris - McRoy, James H. - McRunnels, Joseph - McSpadden, Sarah Ann - Meador, Sgt Thomas - Meadow, Cpl James - Meadow, Isham - Meadow, William - Meants, David - Mecklenberry, George - Medlin, Tilly - Medlin, Wilson - Melton, Thomas - Memphis - Meredeth, Samuel - Meredith, Bradley - Meredith, Sgt Maj Samuel - Mexican War Monument - Michell, Archibald - Middleton, Frances - Miller, Annie - Miller, Henry - Miller, James - Miller, Samuel - Miller, William S - Mills, James - Miltonberger, William - Mires, Elisha - Mires, Miles - Mires, Thomas - Mise, Jesse - Mississippi River - Mississippi Territory - Mississippi Valley - Mitchel, Archibald - Mitchell, Jane - Mitchell, John C - Mitchell, Robert W - Mitchell, Thomas C - Mobile - Moiers, Williams - Molino del Rey - Monroe, Cpl William - Monroe, George - Monterey - Montgomery, Cpl John - Moody, John - Moon, Robert - Moor, Sgt Robert - Moore, Alfred - Moore, David - Moore, Elizabeth - Moore, Ezekiel - Moore, Israel - Moore, James - Moore, Liza - Moore, Lt Robert - Moore, Richard - Moore, Sgt Israel - More, Henry - Morehead, Charles - Morehead, Jacob - Morehead, John - Morehead, Sgt Henry - Morgan, Charles - Morgan, Daniel - Morgan, John - Morgan, Joseph - Morgan, Mary "Polly" - Morgan, Nancy - Morgan, Thankful - Morphet, Robert - Morris, Boze - Morris, Claiborne - Morris, Enos - Morris, Isaac - Morris, James - Morris, Jesse - Morris, Joseph - Morris, Sgt Benjamin - Morris, Thomas - Morrison - Morrison, William - Morriss, George - Morriss, Newman - Moses, James - Moss, Cato - Moss, Gessum - Moss, William - Mossley, John - Mounief, Sgt Sampson - Mounted Company - Mounted Gunmen - Mounted Militia Regiment - Mounted Riflemen - Mounted Volunteer Gunmen - Murray, Cpl William - Murray, Ens James - Murray, John - Murray, Sophia J - Murry, Bland - Murry, James - Myers, Elias - Myers, Elisha - Nail, Archibald - Nail, John L - Napier, Col Richard C - Nash, Sgt John - Nash, Thomas - Natchez - Natchez Expedition - Natchez Trace - Naugle, Ann Matilda - Neal, James - Neal, Lt Matthew - Nealey, James - Neely, Capt James - Neely, Charles Rufus - Neely, John C - Neely, Katherine Prudence - Neely, Robert - Neil, Thomas - Neill, Samuel - Nelms, Eliza - Nelson, Alexander - Nelson, Cpl John - Nevill, Joseph - New Orleans - Newman, Capt David - Nichols, Cpl Lemuel - Niksay, Lemuel - Noland, Abraham - Nolin, Robert - Norman, Daniel - Norman, Levi - Norton, William - Nowell, William - Nugent, John - Nugent, Sgt William - Null, William A - Odel, William - Odle, William - Ogilvie - O'Neal, Isom - Orr, James - Overstreet, Robert - Overton, Benjamin - Pace, Capt James - Pace, John - Page, Rev. John - Pankey, Stephen - Panky, Joseph - Panky, Riley - Parker, Daniel - Parker, John - Parker, Nathaniel - Parker, William - Parkey, Joseph - Parks, Robert - Parky, Cpl Lewis - Parrish, Joel - Parrish, Lewis - Parsons, Benjamin P - Partee, Squire Boon - Pate, Stephen - Patrick, Caleb - Patterson, James - Patterson, John - Patterson, Joseph - Patterson, Malcom - Patterson, Samuel - Patterson, Sgt Alexander - Patton, George - Payne, Robert - Payne, William - Payton, John H. - Pearce, Arthur - Pearcy, John - Pearson, Henry - Peeder, Cynthia - Penal, Mexico - Pennsylvania - Pensacola - Penson, Henry - Pentecost, Morgan - Perkins, Col Nicholas T - Perote, Mexico - Perry, Charles - Perry, Ens William - Perry, Henry W - Perry, John - Perry, Nofflett - Perry, Norflet - Perry, Simeon - Persell, Sgt Abel - Peyton, John - Philadelphia, PA - Philding, Sgt Richard - Philips, George - Philips, Gustavas - Philips, John - Philips, John M - Philips, Lt William - Phillips, Ebin - Phillips, James - Phillips, John M - Phiney, Cpl Waid - Pickering, William - Pierce, Charles - Pierce, George - Pierson, Henry - Pike, Cpl William B - Pillow, Col William - Pinkerton, Thomas - Pinkston, Cpl Mathew - Pinkston, Moses - Pipkins, Lt Thomas B - Pitt, Benjamin - Pitt, Sterling - Pitt, William - Pitts, Barbee - Pitts, Lunsford C - Plasters, Isaac - Plumbley, Lt William - Plumley, Archebald - Poindexter, Samuel - Point Isable, Mexico - Polk Guards - Polk, Alexander Hamilton - Polk, Andrew Jackson - Polk, Anthony V - Polk, Antoinette - Polk, Benigna - Polk, Brig Gen Thomas - Polk, Caroline - Polk, Charles J. - Polk, Charles Perry - Polk, Clarissa - Polk, Edwin Fitzhugh - Polk, Elisabeth - Polk, Eliza D - Polk, Emily D - Polk, Eunice Ophelia - Polk, Ezekiel - Polk, Fanny - Polk, Frances - Polk, Franklin Ezekiel - Polk, George M B - Polk, George Washington - Polk, Isaac - Polk, James Hilliard - Polk, James Knox - Polk, Jane Maria - Polk, John - Polk, John Hawkins - Polk, John Lee - Polk, Katherine - Polk, Leonidas - Polk, Louisa - Polk, Lucinda - Polk, Lucius - Polk, Lucius Junius - Polk, Lydia Eliza - Polk, Maj Gen Lucius Eugene - Polk, Marshall Tate - Polk, Margaret Taylor - Polk, Mary B - Polk, Mary Brown - Polk, Mary M - Polk, Mary Wilson - Polk, Matilda Golden - Polk, Naomi Tate - Polk, Ophelia - Polk, Philimon Hawkins - Polk, Rebecca - Polk, Rebecca F - Polk, Rebecca Long - Polk, Riufus King - Polk, Sally H - Polk, Sally Moore - Polk, Samuel - Polk, Samuel Wilson - Polk, Sarah H - Polk, Sarah Spratt - Polk, Sophia Neely - Polk, Susan R - Polk, Susan Spratt - Polk, Thomas A - Polk, Thomas Gilchrist - Polk, William - Polk, William Hawkins - Polk, William Julius - Polk, William Wilson - Polk, Willie - Pope, Humphrey - Poplar Grove - Porter, Capt John - Porter, Capt Thomas - Poteet, Mary Ann - Powell, Oliver H - Preston, Capt - Prewitt, Silas - Price, John - Price, Joseph - Price, Lt William - Proctor, David - Pryor, Edward - Puckett, Lt Robert - Puebla, Mexico - Pugh, James - Purcel, Hardy - Purnell, Mary - Pursell, Sgt William - Pursley, Ephraim Jr - Purtle, John - Quarles, Capt John - Rabb, Harris - Rabin, Cpl David - Radford, James - Radford, John - Ragan, James - Ragan, Jesse - Ragan, Samuel - Ragsdale, Lulu - Ragsdale, P - Ralphfile, John F - Ramsey, Robert - Ramsey, William - Randolph, Cpl Thomas J - Randolph, Susan - Rankin, James - Rankin, Lt David - Rankin, Victoria - Ransom, John - Ransom, William - Ratliff, Joshua - Rattle and Snap - Raulston, Col James - Ravitt, William S - Rawleys, Rhodam - Rawlings, Beneta - Rawlings, J S - Ray, George W - Rayner, Hamilton Polk - Rayner, Henry A - Rayner, Kenneth - Rayner, Mary - Rayner, Sallie Polk - Rayner, Susan Polk - Rayner, William Polk - Read, Charles - Read, Clement N - Read, Cnt Sion S - Read, Cpl Edmond - Rector, Enoch - Red Stick/Creek Indians - Reddin, John - Reddit, Marmaduke - Reddy, James - Redmon, Lt William - Reed, John - Reeder, John - Reeves, George - Reeves, William - Reffew, Jeffrey - Reg TN Vol Calv. & Rifle. Mntd. - Reid, James - Reiss, Jacob - Rhodes, James - Rhodes, Joseph - Rice, Able - Rice, Elijah - Rice, Galden - Rice, John M - Rice, Rowling - Richardson, John - Richardson, Mason - Rickman Lt. William E - Rigsby, Right - Riley, Samuel - Ring, William - Ritche, Sgt William - Ritchey, Thomas - Rivergate Shopping Mall - Roan, Cpl James - Roark, Cpl John - Roark, Sgt Asa - Robards, Lewis - Robason, Hardy - Robb, Harris - Robb, Samuel - Robert, Charles - Roberts, Gen Isaac - Roberts, William A. - Robertson, Cott - Robertson, Cpl Henry - Robertson, Eli - Robertson, Elisha - Robertson, Hardy - Robertson, Hezekiah - Robertson, James - Robertson, John - Robertson, Joseph - Robertson, William - Robinson, Allen - Robinson, David - Robinson, Hardy - Robinson, John - Robinson, William - Rock Castle - Rodes, Hazel - Rodgers, Britton - Rogan, Cpl Benjamin - Rogers, Cpl Samuel - Rogers, Jonothan - Rogers, Joseph - Rogers, Robert - Rogers, Spencer - Rollings, Joshua - Rolls, Alexander - Rose, Niel B - Ross, Capt Daniel - Ross, Elizabeth Conger - Royster, Kate - Rucker, Elizabeth - Ruff, Sgt Joseph - Rule, Solomon - Ruminer, Daniel - Russell, Alexander - Russell, David - Russell, Elizabeth - Russell, George - Russell, James B - Russell, Mary - Russell, Robert - Russell, Sarah - Rutherford County, TN - Rutherford, James - Rutherford, John - Rutherford, Sgt Samuel M - Sadler, George - Sampson, George R - Sanders, Charles Grandison - Sanders, Cpl Elijah - Sanders, Cpl Fayette - Sanders, Jacob - Sanders, James - Sanders, Mary "Polly" - Sanderson, Edward - Saunders, Ens Benjamin L - Saunders, Patrick - Savia, Jacob - Sawry, Henry - Sawyers, Demsey - Scarulock, Thomas - Schell, Alexander R - Scoby, Lt Joseph - Scoby, Mathew - Scolds, John - Scott, Joseph - Scurlock, Louisa - Scurlock, Lucy Helen - Scurlock, Thomas M. - Scurry, Capt Thomas - Seawell, Thomas B - Sebenal, Frederick - Second Reg of Vol Mntd Rifle. - Second Regt of Tennessee - Servea, Jacob - Sewell, Lucy - Shappiro, Orm - Sharp, Cyrus - Sharp, Dr B F - Sharp, William - Sharpe, Jane/Jean - Sharper, Jacob - Shaver, Charles - Shaver, Cpl Joseph - Shaw, Lt Adj Basel - Shaw, Sgt Jesse - Shelborn, James - Shelby, Isaac - Shelby, Priscilla - Shepherd, Howardson - Sherwood, Lemuel - Ship, Lewis - Ship, William - Short, Cpl Elisha - Short, Lt Caleb - Silling, A O - Simmons, Nathan - Simpson, Zachariah - Sims, Sgt Alfred - Singleton, Edward - Skipper, Archibald - Smiley, Sawyer - Smith County, TN - Smith, Abraham - Smith, Andrew - Smith, Archebald - Smith, B - Smith, Bird - Smith, Briant - Smith, Capt Brice - Smith, Col George - Smith, Cpl Bartlett - Smith, Daniel - Smith, David - Smith, Elias H - Smith, Eneves - Smith, Henry - Smith, James - Smith, Mary "Polly" - Smith, Neal - Smith, Samuel - Smith, Sgt Maj John - Smith, Susanna - Smith, Thomas - Smith, William - Snell, Lewis - Snoddy, Adam - Soper, Benjamin - Spanish army - Spanish authorities - Spratt, John - Stafford, Birol - Stalcup, James - Stalcup, Lt James - Stallins, Elisha - Stallions, Elijah - Staltons, Elisha - Standifer, John - Stanfield, Ashly - Stanifer, Marmaduke - Staples, Cpl C H - Stark, Ezekiel - Starks, Littleberry - Starnes, Adam - Stearns, Sgt David - Steel, Samuel - Steel, William - Stephens, Laomi Jr - Stephens, Laomi Sr - Stephenson, Edward - Steward, Micus - Steward, Roberson - Stewart, Peyton - Stewart, Samuel - Stewart, William - Stile, George W - Stockard, Cpl William - Stockard, Nathan - Stockley, Rachel - Stocks, Lt John - Stokes, William - Stone, Cornet John - Stone, Ens Drumy - Stone, Sarah - Stone, William - Stouh, Benjamin - Stovall, Joseph - Stoveall, Thomas - Straitor, Jacob - Street, Frances "Fannie" - Stringfield, John - Stringfield, Thomas - Strong, Nathan - Strother, Cpl Robert - Strother, James - Stroud, Margaret "Peggy" - Stuart, William - Stubblefield, Benjamin - Stubblefield, Garrison - Stubblefield, Lemuel - Stubblefield, Sgt James W - Stubbs, Everett - Stump, Capt Frederick - Stump, John - Stump, Lt Col - Sturdivan, Benjamin - Sullivan, Cpl Richard - Sullivan, Fletcher - Sullivan, Frederick - Summers, Alexander - Summers, Capt W R - Summers, Cpl Arden - Summers, Isaac - Summers, Johnston - Sumner county, TN - Sumner, Jacob - Sutherland, John - Swindle, George C - Switherland, Thomas - Tabs, Joel - Talladega - Tallushatchee - Talton, Loyd - Tankersley, Sgt Richard - Tankersly, George - Tarber, Benjamin - Tarpley, Steth - Tate, George - Taylor, Cpl Corneilous - Taylor, Gen Nathaniel - Taylor, Isaac - Taylor, John M - Taylor, Joseph - Taylor, Joseph - Taylor, Levi - Taylor, Martha "Patsy" - Taylor, Martin - Taylor, Thomas - Taylor, William - Teel, Alexander - Telford, John - Tennessee Militia - Tennessee River - Tennessee Voluntary Calvary - Tennessee Voluntary Infantry - Tennison, Edmund - Tennison, Joseph - Tenth Legion - Third Regt of Tenn Volunteers - Third Regt Tenn Militia - Thomas, Joseph - Thomas, Luke - Thomas, Maraday - Thomas, William - Thompson, Archibald - Thompson, Cpl James - Thompson, Henry D - Thompson, Joseph Jr - Thompson, Joseph Sr - Thompson, Moses - Thompson, Sgt Elbert H - Thompson, William - Thomson, Andrew T - Tilley, Lewis - Tinsley, Morris - Todd, Asa - Tompkins, Sgt John - Tracy, Paris - Trail, Basil - Travis, John - Troop #6 - Trotter, Mary E - Trousdale, James - Trousdale, William - Tubbbs, Daniel - Tulip Grove - Tull, Nicholas - Turner, Berryman - Turner, Bird - Turner, John - Turner, Philip - Turner, Robert - Turner, William - Tyre, Wright - Tyree, John M - Tyree, Richard C - Tyrell, Sgt Maj Edmund - Tyrrell, Capt Adj James - Usher, John - Uzell, Jurdon - Uzzell, Jordan - Valentine, Thomas - Vales, John - Vales, Samuel - Van Buren, Martin - Van Leer, Rebecca - Vanhoose, Azor - Vanhoozer, Sgt Valentino - Vaughn, Paul - Venissa, Joseph - Ventress, Ens James - Vera Cruz - Vincent, Cpl Benjamin C - Vincent, Edmund - Vincent, Michael - Vinson, Bental - Vinson, Cpl Edward - Vinson, Cpl Stokeley - Volunteer Calvary Company - Waddle, Lt Elias - Wade, Capt Charles - Wade, Walter - Wadid, James - Waiters, David - Waiters, Isaac - Waldrum, John - Walker, Charles - Walker, Cnt Elias - Walker, John - Walker, Maria Polk - Walker, Sgt Samuel - Walker, William - Wall, Drury - Wall, Hugh - Wall, John - Wallace, Capt John - Wallace, James - Wallace, Joseph - Wallace, Joseph B - Wallace, Matilda - Wallace, Samuel Jr - Wallace, Sgt Jonathan - Walsh, Virginia C - Walton, Cnt Josiah - Walton, Harriss - Walton, Lt Joseph - War of 1812 - Warren, Burrell - Warren, Mary Elizabeth Dale - Warren, Samuel - Washington - Watkins, Eliza - Watkins, Maj Charles - Watkins, Milton - Watkins, Thomas W - Watson, George - Watson, John D. - Watts, Lewis - Watts, William - Wayham, Thomas - Weathered, Lt Francis - Weaver, John - Weaver, Lt Jesse - Webster, John M - Weeks, John - Weir, Joseph - Welch, William - Wessington, Nathaniel - West, Bazel - West, Capt Henry - West, Cpl David - West, Daniel - West, Jacob - West, Robert - White, Charles - White, John - White, Lt Thomas - White, Nathan - White, Polly - White, Stephen - White, William - Whitehead, Jane - Whitehead, Milton F - Whitney, Aron - Whitsett, James - Whitson, William - Whittington, Joseph - Whyte, Eliza - Wilbourne, Thomas - Wiley, Vincent - Wilkinson, Benjamin - Wilkinson, James, Comm Gen - Wilks, Sgt Benjamin - William, Col Wright - Williams, David - Williams, Elijah - Williams, Francis - Williams, Jesse - Williams, John - Williams, Mathew - Williams, Robert - Williams, Solomon - Williams, William - Williamson, Col Thomas - Williamson, Cpl Philimom - Willis, Jacob - Willoughboy, James C - Wills, Sgt David - Wilson, Aaron - Wilson, Aaron J - Wilson, Addison - Wilson, Albert - Wilson, Alexander - Wilson, Ann - Wilson, Archibald - wilson, Asenath - Wilson, Catherine - Wilson, Cpl Samuel - Wilson, Cynthia - Wilson, David C - Wilson, David R - Wilson, Eleanor "Ellen" - Wilson, Eleanor Carothers - Wilson, Eliza - Wilson, Eliza M - Wilson, Elizabeth - Wilson, Elizabeth "Betsy" - Wilson, Ellen - Wilson, Felicia - Wilson, Hiram - Wilson, Hugh C - Wilson, Isabella - Wilson, James - Wilson, James A - Wilson, James C - Wilson, James G - Wilson, James M - Wilson, James R - Wilson, Jane - Wilson, Jane S - Wilson, Jane/Jean - Wilson, John H - Wilson, John Henderson - Wilson, John L - Wilson, Jonah - Wilson, Jonathan - Wilson, Joseph - wilson, Joseph, Jr. - Wilson, Josiah - Wilson, Laura T - Wilson, Leonidas Arridas - Wilson, Louisa - Wilson, Lt John - Wilson, Lynus - Wilson, Maj David - Wilson, Margaret - Wilson, Margaret "Peggy" - Wilson, Margaret Amanda - Wilson, Mark - Wilson, Marquis D - Wilson, Martha "Patsy" - Wilson, Martha Ann - Wilson, Mary - Wilson, Mary "Polly" - Wilson, Mary C - Wilson, Mathew - Wilson, Matilda - Wilson, Melissa - Wilson, Miles - Wilson, Monro - Wilson, Moses - Wilson, Nancy - Wilson, Nancy Long - Wilson, Narcissa - Wilson, Pleasant - Wilson, Polly - Wilson, Richard - Wilson, Robert - Wilson, Robert Jr - Wilson, S E - Wilson, Samuel - Wilson, Samuel C - Wilson, Sarah "Sally" - Wilson, Sarah Jane - Wilson, Sgt John - Wilson, Sgt Marlin - Wilson, Simon Elliott - Wilson, Susannah - Wilson, Terrisa - Wilson, Thomas - Wilson, Thomas P - Wilson, William - Wilson, William Carothers - Wilson, William S - Wilson, Zaccheus - Wilson, Zaccheus D - Wilson, Zaccheus Jr - Wilson, Zaccheus W - Wilson, Zachariah - Wily, Cpl Samuel - Wimberly, Milice - Windham, Ens Roberts - Windom, Reuben - Winfrey, Wilson - Wingo, Thomas - Wingore, Thomas - Winn, Henry - Winn, James T - Winn, Sgt Peter - Winn, Sgt Thomas - Winston, Capt John J - Winston, Isaac - Wire, William - Wirmington, Edwin - Wisdom, Francis - Wisner, Martie - Withers, David - Withers, Thomas - Wood, Sgt James B - Wood, William Henry - Woodcock, Cpl Mark - Woodcock, Maraday - Wooton, Sgt John - Woughby, John - Wren, William - Wright, Charles - Wright, Cpl Elijah - Wright, Cpl William - Wright, Daniel - Wright, Henry - Wright, John - Wright, Sgt Bird - Wright, Solomon - Wright, Thomas - Wright, Thompson - Wyatt, Cpl Joseph - Wyatt, Thomas E. - Wyn, Sgt Henry - Wynn, Col John K - Yancey, Garland - Yancey, Joseph - Yates, Daniel - Yates, Robert - York, James - York, Richard - Yorke, Sarah - Young, Hardaway - Young, Lt James - Young, Morley - Young, QM Sgt Archebald - Young, Sgt Henry - Young, Sgt Thomas - Young, William - Yount, Jacob - Youree, Lt William - Zachery, Jonah W - Zarecor, Josephus -


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