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Land Grants on Elk River in Tennessee

Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Grundy, Lincoln, Marshall & Moore Counties of Southern Middle Tennessee

Fishing Ford Road Section
Old Fishing Ford Road - Head of Wells Creek South of Fayetteville


Land Grants on Elk River in Tennessee

North Carolina & Tennessee Land Grants 1783 - 1831

Land Grant Genealogy 5

Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Grundy, Lincoln, Marshall & Moore Counties in Southern Middle Tennessee

by Jack Masters

New book by Jack Masters features North Carolina and Tennessee Land Grants on the Elk River in Southern middle Tennessee. 1438 transcribed Land Grants cover the period 1783 - 1831. All grants are placed on modern topographical maps for ease in location. Includes all name and place index with 123 map pages.

The bulk of research for this work was taken from RG 50 dealing with 2nd Surveyors District. This was about a 5 month project in which all Elk River tracts were copied for later piecing together to form this book. For the less than 20 grants which were in the 3rd Surveyors District, in Grundy County on the upper Elk River, Tennessee Land Grants were utilized without the necessity of the several month project of getting back to RG 50.

Many additional topics are included as can be seen in the book Table of Contents listed below.  Prior purchasers of our Atlases will be able to enjoy the previous published maps in Volume 1, 2 & 3 with a seamless addition and transition to the new areas included in this work. 

This NEW BOOK is soft cover, perfect bound and contains 658 pages. Book is available and may be ordered for $59.95.plus $6.95 postage

To Order, make your Personal Check or Money Order, which totals $66.90, payable to Jack Masters and send to:

Jack Masters
1049 Robertson Road
Gallatin, TN 37066

I am now offering a Flash Drive with all of the maps included in my book in color.  If you wish to include in your order please add another $10.00 which will make your total $76.90.

Sorry, No Credit Cards accepted.

Page content revised August 14, 2023

For a better understanding about the contents of my new book please see Piecing together the past published in the November 2016 issue of CEMC's "Tennessee Magazine"

Fayetteville Public Utilities TV Channel 6 Interview Recorded in the November 2016 by Don Counts dealing with the writing of the Land Grant book.

Click email tab on the left menu for Email address


Title page, 2 grant pages, half of a map page and an index page shown as examples from book


Title Page   Page 28   Page 29   Page 673   Page 674  


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements & Introduction
Getting Started
Summary of Grant Development in Counties
Pioneer Land Surveyors
Common Abbreviations & Survey Language
Original Names of Several Water Courses
Grant Placement Methodology
Limestone Creek & Flint River
Major Traces, Roads & Trails
James Bright - Early Pioneer Land Surveyor
Land Grant Recipients
School Land
Key to Map Locations
  • North Carolina Land Grants
  • Tennessee's First Land Law
  • Magnetic Compass Declination
  • Tennessee's 2nd Surveyors District
  • Tennessee Land Grants
  • Record Group 50
  • Mountain Land in Franklin County
About the Index


Land Grant Genealogy


Surveyors and Grantees included in Land Grant Genealogy 5

  • Images of each grant & surveyor plats included with transcriptions - each placed on modern topographical maps.

    NOTE: Names shown below are spelled exactly as the individual surveyors spelled them. Please remember to check similar spelling as the surveyors could be very creative at times with their spelling.

    John B. Able, John Albright, Michael Albright, John Allcorn, Adley Alexander, James Alexander, Matthew Alexander, Wallace Alexander, William Alexander, John Allen, Nathan Allen, Nathniel Allen, John Allison, Robert Allison, Drury Alsup, Barnabas Anderson, John A. S. Anderson, Patton Anderson, William P. Anderson, Israil Archer, Martin Armstrong, Matthew Armstrong, Elijah Arnold, John Ault, Samuel Austin, Moses Ayers

    Christopher Ballard, Elisha Bagley, Joab Bagley, Amos Balch, Lewis Banton, Ambrose Barker, Silas Barr, Bennet Barrow, Uriah Bass, James Bayless, George Bean, Jesse Bean, Lemuel Bean, Obadiah Bean, Robert Bean, William Bean, Alexander Beard, John Beard, Lewis Beard, Arthur Bearden, Hansel Bearden, John Beatle, Andrew E. Beaty, George B. Bell, Joseph Bell, Joseph H Bell, James Benning, Thomas Berry, William Bevers, John Bigham, Robert Bigham, John Blackwell, William Bland, Hardy Bloodworth, Mildred Bloodworth, John Gray Blount, Thomas Blount, Harrison Blackgrave, Elijah Boddie, Benjamin Boone, William Boone, Sumner Boothe, Anthony Borrows, James Bradshaw, John Braham, William Brandon, Hugh P Brawley, Charles Bright, James Bright, William Bright, Raleigh Brim, John Brimmage, Alexander Boteler, Richard Bottoms, William Bowen, Robert Box, Stephen Box, Andrew Boyd, James Bradshaw, John Brahan, Archibald Brooks, Arthur Brooks, Matthew Brooks, James Brown, William Brown, Stephen Brundige, Thomas Brunt, William Bryan, Edward Bryans, David Buchanan, Robert Buchanan, Moses Buchanan, Samuel Buchanan, James Bulla, Christopher Bullard, Joseph Bullard, Thomas Buncomb, Solomon Burford, Richard Burk, Anthony Burrow, John L Burton, Robert Burton, Alexander Butler, Joel Butler, Thomas Ryan Butler, James Bybals, Abraham Byler, Jacob Byler

    Nathan Camp, Colin Campbell, George W. Campbell, Michael Campbell, Newton Cannon, George Caperton, John Caperton, Samuel Caple, William Carothers, Godphrey Carragen, Harry Carriger, Abraham Cartwright, Jacob Cartwright, James Cartwright, Jacob Castleman, Jeremiah Chamberlin, Robert Chapman, Samuel Chapman, James Cheatham, Daniel Cherry, David Cherry, James Chilcoat, Francis Child, William P. Childress, S. C. Chitwood, William Christmas, Arthur Citgrove, Jesse Clark, Thomas Norris Clark, Stephen Clayton, William Clayton, Benjamin Clements, Elijah Clements, Hardy Clements, James Clendenning, John Cobb, Joseph Cobb, Robert Cocks, John Coffee, Robert Coffee, Joseph Coleman, Warren Colhoun, Nicholas Conrad, Henry Conway, Isaac Conger, Richard Cook, Robert Cowan, David Cowen, Thomas Brown Craighead, John Crawford, William Crawford, James Crayton, William Cross, Isaac Crow, Samuel Cummins, Aron Cunningham, George Cunningham, James Cunningham, John Cunningham

    Ephraim Davidson, Arthur A. Davis, Amos Davis, John Davis, Robert Davis, Ephraim Davidson, John Davidson, John Dean, John Deloach, John Denson, John Devin, William Dickson Jr., Tilmon Dixon, John Doak, Samuel Dobbins, Thomas Dougan, George Douglass, George Doherty, devisees of George Doherty, John Donelson, Stockley Donelson, James Doran, Ephraim Drake, John Drake, Pleasant Duke, Littleton Duty, Robert Henry Dyer

    John Easly, Thomas Eastland, John Edmondson, Samuel Edmondson, William Edmondson, Simon Elliot, Robert Elliott, Charles Ellis, James Emmerson, John Enlow, Andrew Ervin, Richard Eubanks, John Enoch, Joseph Evans, Samuel Ewing

    John Fanin, William Farrar, Absolam Farris, William Farris, Robert Fenner, Francis Findley, Benjamin Fitzrandolph, Samuel Flemming, Elias Ford, Anthony Foster, James Franklin, Jesse Franklin, John Frazer, William Frazier, Wilson Frost, James Fuller

    William Gage, David Gains, John Garland, Samuel Garland, Bryce Garner, Joseph Garner, Isaac Gatlin, Hugh Gentry, Joseph Ghormley, John Gibson, Thomas Gibson, John Giffes heirs, David Gilbert, James Gilbert, William Gilbreath, Malcum Gilchrist, William Gilchrist, William Gill, Daniel Gilliam, John Gilliam, John Gillispie, Daniel Gillispie, William Gilmore, Foster Golden, John Gooch, Benjamin Gooden, Henry Gooden, John Gordon, Henry Gotcher, Joshua Gotcher, John Graham, Jacob Graves, Jonathan Graves, David Gray, George Gray, William S. Gray, James Greenlee, Alexander Greer, Andrew Greer heirs, John Greer, Joseph Greer

    John Hackett, Robert Hairston, John Hall, Thomas Hall, John Hamilton, John G. Hamilton, William Hammocks, John Hanna, Abraham Harges, Thomas Harges, Walter Harkins, John Harmon, Thomas Harper, Charles Harrington, Edward Harris, Isham Harris, Peter Harris, Samuel B. Harris, William Harris, Aron Hart, (Aaron Heart), Hugh Hartgrave, William Hartgrave, Laban Haslip, Archibald Hatchett, Daniel Havinder, Robert Hays, George Haygood, John Haywood, James Henderson, John Henderson, Robert Henry, William Henry, John Herod, Thomas Hickman, George W Higgans, James Higgens, Hardy Hightower, Richard Hightower, Daniel Hill, Green Hill, William Hill, Joel Hobbs heirs, John Hodge, Robert Hodge, Philemon Hodges, William Hodges, John Hoggatt, Stephen Holbert, Samuel Hogg, Alexander Hood, Thomas Hooker, George W Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, David Howell, Robert Hunnicut, James Hunt, Timothy Hunter heirs, Shadrack Howard, William Husbands, John Hutchings

    James Irwin, Joseph Irwin, Robert Irwin, James Ives

    Andrew Jackson, Laban James, Newberry James, Jeremiah Jeffords, Alexander Joice, Abner G. Jones, Frances Jones & James Davis, Jesse Jones, John Jones, Matthew Jones, Thomas Jones

    John Keaton, James Keith, John Keith, Henry Kelso, John Kelley, Moses Kendall, Robert Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Joseph Kerr, Thomas Kiser (Thomas Kesser), William Killian, John Kincaid, John King, Miller King, William King, Lemuel Koonce, Samuel Koonce, Abraham Kuykendall, Matthew Kuykendall, Peter Kuykindall, Simon Kuykindall

    Christopher Lackey heirs, James Laban, James Lamm, Hezekiah Lasater, Abner Lassater, William Lassiter, William Lauderdale, Joshua Laurence, Gabriel Leahorne, James Lean, Cader Lee, John Lee, Elizabeth W. Lewis, James Lewis, James Martin Lewis, Joel Lewis, Micijah Green Lewis, Tipton Lewis, William B. Lewis, Wlliam Terrel Lewis, Samuel Lockhart, Henry Lofton, Thomas Logan, Benjamin Long, John Long, Peter Looney, Robert Love, Robert Love Jr., Thomas Love, William Lusk, John Luttrell, Nathan Luttrell, William Lytle,

    James Mackey, John Maclin, John Marr, George Martin, Richard Martin, William Martin, Edward Mattin, George Maxwell, Jesse Maxwell, Lee Roy May, Irwin McAdams, Daniel McAlester, Andrew McCartney, Joseph McClaskey, Matthew McClure, Charles McCommon, John P McConnell, James McCord, Alexander McCorkle, Thomas McCory, Thomas McCorry, Benjamin McCulloch, Alexander McDonald, Charles McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Joseph McDowell, Joseph McDowell heirs, William McElroy, Robert H. McEwen, David McGavock, Randol McGavock, Samuel McGlathery, John McGrimsey, Thomas H. McGaueh, Andrew McGown, Frances McGown, George McGown, John McGrimsley, Daniel McKinley, Johnson McKinney, Daniel McKinley Jr., Daniel McKinley Sen'r, John A. McKinney, John V. McKinney, James McKissick, Joseph McLansky, John G. McLemore, John McNairy, John McQueen, David McRee, John McWhorter, Adam Meek, William Menifee, Elisha Meredith, James Messer, James Metcalf, William Metcalf, Isaac Miller, Margaret Miller, Edward Mitchell, Mark Mitchell, William Mitchell, Hambleton Moffett, William Moffett, David P Monroe, Henry Montfort, Field Moore, James Moore, Josiah Moore, William Moore, John Morgan, Daniel Morris, John Morris, James Morrison, William Moss, Joseph Motheril, John Motherill, Micajah Muckelroy, Swift Mullen, Hardy Murfrey, William H. Murfree, William Murray, Thomas Murry,

    Elias Neill, Samuel Nelms, Alexander Nelson, John Nelson, Robert Nelson, Alexander Newberry, John Newberry, John Newman, David Nicholas, Jacob Nicholas, Ozburn P. Nicholson, Abraham Noble, Ezekiel Norris, John Northcoat, John Norton

    Benjamin L. O'Kelly, Abel Olive, Elijah Oliver, Frederick Oliver, Nathan Orr, William Overall, John Overton, Thomas Overton, Thomas Owen, Christopher Owenduff, Christopher Owenduff, Christopher Owens, Edward Ozburn

    Thomas Parker, George Parks, Samuel Parks, Joseph Parrish, Francis Patterson, William Patterson, Elijah Patton, James Patton, John Patton, Robert Patton, William Patton, Joel Payne, Moses Perkins, Nicholas Tate Perkins, Andrew Perry, Thomas Person, Micijah Pettway, John Purviance, David B. Phillips, James Phillips, Joseph Phillips, Phillip Phillips, Mary Pierce, George Pierce, Abner Pillow, Mordicai Pillow, Joel Pinson, Nathan G Pinson, Obediah Pinson, James Pitts, George Poe, John Poe, Charles Polk, Charles Polk Jr., Ezekiel Polk, Thomas Polk, William Polk, Holly Powell, William Powell, Rees Porter, Isaac Price, William Pride, Jesse Pugh, Martin Pugh, Willoughby Pugh, William Purnell

    Constann Quarles, Randal Quarles, Randolph Quarles, William M Quesenberry

    Robert Raiford, William Rainey, Sampson Rease, John Record, Jordan Reece, Joel Reed, Lambert Reed, John Reynolds, John Rhea, Tyree Rhodes, John Richardson, William Richey, Jesse Riggs, James Riley, Alexander Robertson, Elijah Robertson, James Robertson, Mark Robertson, Henry Robinson, John Robinson, William Robinson, William Roseborough, David Ross, William Ross, Abner Rosson, James Roulston, William Roundtree, William Rowark, Robert Rowland, Absolum Russell, Benjamin Russell, Henry Russell, James Russell, William Russell, Henry M. Rutledge, John Rutledge

    James Sanders, Reuben Sanders, George Sanford, Roger B Sappington, James Sartin, James Satterfield, David Sawyers, School Lands - various in each section, Andrew Schutz, Richard Scott, John Seler, John Shankle, David Shannon, Samuel Shannon, Richard Sharp, Amos Sharpe, Anthony Sharpe, Thomas Sharpe, Morris Shean, David Shelby, Hamon Shelton, Peter Shelton, Martha Shepherd, William Shepperd, George Simpson, Daniel Shipp, Letitia Shipp, William Shipp, David Simmons, Rhubin Simmons, Rubin Simmons, Julias E. Sims, John Skinner, William Slade, John Sloan, William Smedley, Thomas Smiley, David Smith, George Smith, John Smith, Ralph Smith, William Smith, William Snoddy, James Stallard, William Stephens, Thomas Stilwel, James Stone, Robert Stothart, William Street, John Strother, Robert Strother, John Stroud, heirs of Caldwell Stuart, Charles Stuart, Larkin Stuart, Reuben Stuart, Richard Linkey Stuart, Solomon Stuart, William Stuart, Armstead Stubblefield, Alexander Summers, Jethro Sumner, John Swain, Dutton Sweaton

    William Tabor, Thomas Tabot, Thomas Talbott, John Talley, Samuel Talley, Absolum Tatum, Howell Tatum, Archilius Taylor, George Taylor, James Taylor, Lee Taylor, Nathaniel Taylor, Owen Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Caleb Tate, Howell Tatum, Edward Teel, James Temple, John Temple, Josiah Temple, heirs of John Tesley, James Thomas, John Thomas, Burrel Thompson, Robert Thompson, William Thompson, Miler Thrift, George Tippin, Benjamin Todd, Edward Towery, Isaac Towery, John Towery, Manering Towery, Nicholas Trammel, James Tool, William Townsend, James Trimble, Thomas L. Troter, Alden Tucker, Robert Tucker, John Tulley

    David Vance, John Vance, George Vandiver, Isaac Vanhoozer, Thomas C Vaughn, Isaac Vernon, Jacob Vanzant, Abraham Vinzant

    Solomon Waggoner, Robert Walker Sen'r, William Walker, Enoch Ward, Reuben Washburn, Miles Watson heirs, Robert Weakley, George Wear, Abner Wells, Aron Wells, Ethan Wells, Hayden Wells, Samuel Wells, Alexander White, Caleb White, James White, James A White, John White, Robert M. White, William White, Thomas D. Wiggin, Wikoff & Clark, Samuel Wilks, John Willaford, Robert Willet, Claborne Williams, Daniel Williams, James Williams, Nimrod Williams, Oliver Williams, Sampson Williams, Thomas A Williams, Wright Williams, David Willson, George Wilson, John Wilson, Richard Wilson, William Wilson, James Winchester, John Wood, Oliver Wood, John Woody, Jesse Woodruff, Peyton Worthy, John Wright, Francis Wyat, James Wyatt

    Samuel Yager, John Young, Jones Young, Thomas Young, Joel Yowell